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基于模型的动态测试工具TPT 软件测试 - 知乎

基于模型的动态测试工具TPT 软件测试 - 知乎首发于软件测试切换模式写文章登录/注册基于模型的动态测试工具TPT 软件测试Polelink上海北汇信息​已认证账号TPT特性PikeTec公司是全球知名的基于模型的嵌入式系统测试工具TPT的软件供应商,总部位于德国柏林,其创始人均在戴姆勒公司拥有十多年的软件测试经验。TPT作为针对嵌入式系统的基于模型的动态测试工具,支持众多业内主流的工具平台和测试环境,可应用于整个嵌入式软件开发周期,实现各种异构环境下的自动化测试。无论是在测试建模,测试环境还是测试评估,测试报告方面,都占据强大优势。北汇信息作为PikeTec的中国合作伙伴,将帮助中国客户借助TPT提升嵌入式控制系统的开发效率。TPT自动化测试过程1、测试用例建模TPT是针对嵌入式系统开发的测试验证工具,图形化建立测试用例的方式易于阅读维护,针对MATLAB/Simulink/Stateflow、TargetLink及ASCET模型支持自动生成测试用例。1)手动搭建测试用例列表型测试用例:并行结构、条件语句、循环语句、Excel导入、信号预览等。适合于复杂模型的图形化状态机型测试用例列表型测试用例 | 状态机型测试用例2)自动生成测试用例独立测试平台Dashboard:对被测系统创建用户界面,以执行手动测试和观测系统,同时记录交互内容,自动生成测试用例。TASMO工具箱:基于CC/DC原则自动搜索Simulink/Stateflow和TargetLink模型进行结构分析,生成最少的测试用例,实现最全面的结构覆盖。基于等价类自动生成测试用例:将输入信号分成若干等价区间,并在各等价区间随机取值,自动生成测试用例,遍历测试场景。基于变种自动生成测试用例:用户指定或自动选择状态机模型中states、transitions和path组合生成测试用例,自动覆盖所有测试场景,极大的提高测试建模效率。基于数值范围自动生成测试用例:将所有输出信号取值排列批量生成测试用例,支持自定义信号最值及步长,TPT专门设计的默认代表值模式适用于边界值测试。外部测试数据导入生成测试用例:支持多个测量文件同时导入、背靠背测试与回归测试。Dashboard测试界面 | TASMO工具箱 2、测试评估与报告生成支持使用GUI评估函数自动评估测试用例,如Trigger Rule,、Min/Max、 Signal Comparison、Script、Condition Tree、Sequence check、Equivalence classes check。Signal Viewer:观测信号进行手动评估,支持导入/导出测量文件、同步采样信号与测试信号时间,同时观测多个测试用例等。支持背靠背测试、回归测试、模型内部信号观测、容差设置。自动生成高度可配置测试报告:Contents、Figures、Paragraph、Signal Table、Section等。Signal Viewer评估界面 | 定制化测试报告3、测试环境TPT支持汽车电子主流的工具链来覆盖产品开发的整个V模式(MiL、SiL、PiL、HiL、ViL)下所有的测试阶段,并实现测试用例的复用,无需更换测试工具。强大的Fusion平台使用户可以轻松创建包含不同组件的仿真环境。TPT在不同测试阶段所支持的工具链:TPT支持的主流开发工具1)Model-in-the-Loop and Software-in-the-Loop (MiL-SiL) 模型在环及软件在环Simulink/TargetLink/ASCET/AUTOSAR Model支持Simulink/TargetLink/ASCET/AUTOSAR模型的MiL、SiL与背靠背测试。支持从Simulink/TargetLink/ASCET/AUTOSAR模型中自动读取所有的接口信息,支持手动修改及导入模型内部接口信号,确保模型搭建的便捷与准确,为开发过程的测试用例复用提供保证。自动生成测试框架,包含一个完整的输入输出定义模型以及特殊的TPT执行引擎。测试模型框架形成闭环测试,以准确评估测试用例执行结果的正确性。支持开环和闭环测试(支持DYNA4/CarMaker/Carsim等)。Simulink模型测试TPT集成ASCET执行测试2)Processor-in-the-Loop (PiL) 处理器在环TPT支持集成调试器,在实际目标硬件上进行测试。集成PLS-UDE:AURIX、Tricore、ARM Cortex etc.集成Lauterbach TRACE 32:ARM、Power Architecture etc.3)Hardware-in-the-loop(HiL)硬件在环测试 支持XiL-API接口与HiL设备进行集成:VT System/ dSPACE HiL/ Veristand/ ETAS LCO/ Concurrent iHawk/ Speedgoat等.发送测试用例到 HiL 执行,接收测试数据进行评估.支持实时测试、故障注入 (FIU).TPT集成VT System执行Hil测试 4)Vehicle-in-the-Loop (ViL) 实车在环测试 TPT支持与CANape/INCA/VN1640集成进行ViL测试。Autotester为TPT的自动化ViL测试工具,通过GUI界面触发在TPT中编写好的测试用例,同时告知驾驶员进行动作触发,TPT通过VN1640采集报文并进行自动化判断评估。为没有驾驶经验的测试人员提供便捷驱动命令自动进行同一测试用例的多次执行图像显示及语音提示测试用例执行过程同时观察多个测试步骤及测试用例执行状态自动评估并生成测试报告AutoTester 测试界面 4、测试需求跟踪支持与IBM Rational DOORS/Polarion/PTC等工具集成,实现测试需求导入/导出跟踪需求变更、冲突分析与需求管理工具同步测试用例将测试用例-测试需求-评估链接进行测试自动生成需求覆盖分析报告测试需求跟踪界面5、资质认证TPT支持ISO26262标准要求产品开发的所有测试活动。根据ISO26262的要求,当使用软件工具进行安全相关的开发活动时,需要对使用的软件工具进行资质审核。目前,TPT通过了SGS-TÜV Saar的第三方认证,可以满足ISO26262 ASIL-A到ASIL-D对软件的测试要求。TPT提供Qualification Package,以最佳和最有效的方式实现项目的功能安全的认证。TPT主要客户国内客户文章直通车:基于模型的动态测试工具——TPT通过TPT命令行自动化执行测试 - 知乎 (基于TPT的CarMaker自动化场景测试 - 知乎 (测试实战(下)PiL阶段的闭环测试 - 知乎 (评估篇 | 单元测试评估也能复用到集成测试?脚本帮你高效评估! - 知乎 (测试实战(上) 模型生成代码的单元级PiL测试 - 知乎 (单元测试用例复用到集成测试?Testlet Library来助力! - 知乎 (集成模型测试太慢怎么办? - 知乎 (模型动态测试工具TPT18新版报到:新版技术点详解 - 知乎 ( Function模块竟然可以这样测 - 知乎 (天啦噜!Stateflow动态测试竟然so easy - 知乎 (万物皆可Python:你的测试报告你做主 - 知乎 (喜欢此篇文章欢迎赞同、评论、收藏、分享支持小编~更多相关资讯及业务介绍,欢迎访问上海北汇信息官方网站:上海北汇信息科技有限公司更多技术干货,行业前沿动态,请关注上海北汇信息官方公众号:北汇微信公众号商务合作资讯联系方式:电话:021-34716271邮箱:info@polelink.com北汇信息成立于2010年,是一家技术驱动的创新型服务企业。北汇信息始终专注于汽车电子领域的新技术和新产品,为整车厂和零部件企业提供完整的研发、测试解决方案。从测试工具、专用测试设备、完整测试方案到实车测试服务,我们与我们的客户一起努力,让中国的汽车变得越来越安全、越来越舒适、越来越智能。编辑于 2023-02-17 11:26・IP 属地北京软件测试自动化测试汽车电子​赞同 4​​添加评论​分享​喜欢​收藏​申请转载​文章被以下专栏收录软件测试收录北汇关于软件测试,TPT和QAC的技术干


伏组件封装材料的特性——TPT和硅胶-北极星太阳能光伏网北极星太阳能光伏网进入主站电力行业站Industry Website火电风电光伏水电售电储能氢能环保智能电网核电电池综合能源服务输配电农电电力软件功能站Function Website北极星学社电力社区新闻站电力商务通电力会展/会议电力市场电力技术环保设备招聘站Recruitment Website电力招聘火电招聘光伏招聘风电招聘水电招聘核电招聘环保发电招聘电力工程招聘信息化招聘储能招聘售电招聘综合能源服务招聘新闻政策招投标项目技术数据报告社区下载市场名企独家人物评论国际火电风电光伏储能售电水电氢能环保智能电网核电电池综合能源服务输配电农电招聘学社直播商务通专题搜索历史清空水处理企业注册企业登录个人注册个人登录

您的位置:光伏光伏组件其他技术正文太阳能光伏组件封装材料的特性——TPT和硅胶2012-04-25 09:34来源:北极星太阳能光伏网(独家)关键词:太阳能组件光伏收藏点赞分享订阅投稿我要投稿TPT(背板)用于组件的背面,也是主要封装材料之一。图1 太阳能光伏组件封装材料——TPT1.TPT(背板)的结构由PVF(聚氟乙烯薄膜)-PET(聚脂薄膜)-PVF三层薄膜构成的背膜,简称TPT;TPT有三层结构:外层保护层PVF具有良好的抗环境侵蚀能力,中间层为聚脂薄膜具有良好的绝缘性能,内层PVF经表面处理和EVA具有良好的粘接性能。TPT必须保持清洁,不得沾污或受潮,特别是内层不得用手指直接接触,以免影响和EVA的粘接强度。2.TPT(背板)的特性具有良好的耐候性、极佳的机械性能、延展性、耐老化、耐腐蚀、不透气,以及耐众多化学品、溶剂和着色剂的腐蚀。有出色的抗老化性能并在很宽的温度范围内保持了韧性和弯曲性。3.TPT(背板)的作用白色TPT对阳光起反射作用,提高组件吸收光的能率。因此对组件的效率略有提高,并因其具有较高的红外发射率,还可降低组件的工作温度,也有利于提高组件的效率。增强组件的抗渗水性,对组件背部起到了很好密封保护作用,延长了组件的使用寿命,提高了组件的绝缘性能4.TPT(背板)的储存环境背膜应避光、避热、避潮运输,平整堆放。背膜的最佳贮存条件:放在恒温、恒湿的仓库内,其温度在0-40℃之间,相对湿度小于硅胶光伏组件专用密封胶是中性单组分有机硅密封胶,要具有不腐蚀金属和环保的特点。由含氟硅氧烷、交联剂、催化剂、填料等组成。图2 太阳能光伏组件封装材料——硅胶光伏组件用硅胶要具有以下功能:1.密封性好,对铝材、玻璃、TPT/TPE背材、接线盒塑料PPO/PA有良好的粘附性;2.胶体超级耐黄变,经85℃老化测试,胶体表面未见明显黄变;3.独特的固化体系,经高温高湿环测,与各类EVA有良好的兼容性;4.独特的流变体系,胶体的工艺性优良,良好的耐形变能力;5.抗老化、防腐蚀和良好的耐候性(25年以上)。6.良好的绝缘性能。硅胶的作用1.密封绝缘玻璃和太阳能电池板;2.防水防潮;3.粘结组件和铝边框、保护组件减少外力的冲击(作者互联网)投稿与新闻线索:陈女士 微信/手机:13693626116 邮箱请将#改成@)订阅北极星周刊,精彩内容不再错过!特别声明:北极星转载其他网站内容,出于传递更多信息而非盈利之目的,同时并不代表赞成其观点或证实其描述,内容仅供参考。版权归原作者所有,若有侵权,请联系我们删除。凡来源注明北极星*网的内容为北极星原创,转载需获授权。太阳能查看更多>组件查看更多>光伏查看更多>海外直击 | 闪耀千岛之国 英利发展亮相第九届印尼国际太阳能展当地时间3月5日,第九届印尼国际太阳能展在印度尼西亚雅加达顺利召开,英利发展携PANDA3.0系列新品隆重登场,为印尼这座千岛之国带来更丰富的多样化光伏应用解决方案,为印尼光伏能源市场发展注入持久活力。作为东盟第一大国,近年来国内居民用电量不断提升,但印尼电力地区分布严重不平衡,仍有超过4%英利发展光伏组件印尼光伏市场2024-03-07行业领先!华为智能光伏全场景解决方案重磅亮相济南国际太阳能展2月29日,2024第19届中国(济南)国际太阳能利用大会暨综合能源展览会(以下简称:济南国际太阳能展)在山东济南隆重开幕,华为智能光伏携全场景解决方案重磅亮相,成为本次大会上的人气展台。活动现场全场景光储解决方案,引领行业创新济南国际太阳能展为期三天,由山东省能源局,济南市人民政府主办华为光伏逆变器2024济南光伏展2024-03-05印度:批准7500亿卢比计划 以实现30GW屋顶太阳能装机容量印度内阁批准一项名为PM-SuryaGhar:MuftBijliYojana的屋顶太阳能计划。该计划由印度总理莫迪于今年2月宣布,预计将提供总计7500亿印度卢比(约合90亿美元)的补贴,以实现30GW的屋顶太阳能装机容量。根据该计划,每月将为1000万个家庭提供多达300度的免费电力。具体来说,政府将为2kW系统提供60%系统成屋顶太阳能光伏发电印度光伏市场2024-03-05展会预告 | 安泰新能源与您相约印尼国际太阳能展2024年印尼国际太阳能展将于3月6日至8日在雅加达国际博览中心举办。作为印度尼西亚最具影响力的光伏展会,印尼国际太阳能展已连续举办九届,在2023年吸引了超过一万五千名光伏项目投资者、EPC公司、供应商、以及业内专业人士参加。作为数智化光伏支架和系统解决方案专家,安泰新能源已连续多年参加印尼安泰新能源光伏支架印尼国际太阳能展2024-03-05直击现场 | 浙江铭安亮相第19届济南国际太阳能利用大会成全场焦点春暖花开,相约泉城。2月29日,第19届济南国际太阳能利用大会在济南国际会展中心隆重启幕。济南国际太阳能利用大会作为国内分布式能源领域的重量级展会之一,辐射整个亚太地区分布式市场,是分布式市场高质量发展趋势的重要风向标。预计三天到会观众达数10万人次。作为客流量最大的主场馆3号馆主要参展浙江铭安工商业分布式光伏2024济南光伏展2024-03-04最新!31省市太阳能资源与发电小时数情况日前,中国气象局发布《2023年中国风能太阳能资源年景公报》。该《公报》结合资源监测评估数据,对2023年全国风能太阳能资源情况和相对过去10年、30年平均资源量变化情况进行了分析。《公报》显示,从水平面太阳能资源来看,2023年,全国太阳能资源总体为偏小年景,全国平均水平面总辐照量约为1496.1千中国气象局太阳能资源光伏项目开发2024-03-04实力呈现,格普光能耀动济南太阳能展汇全球技术,看光伏未来。2024年2月29日至3月2日,2024第十九届中国(济南)国际太阳能利用大会暨第三届中国(山东)新能源与储能应用博览会在山东国际会展中心隆重举行。格普光能携先进的高效能光伏组件和储能系统亮相,为伙伴们带来了全面的光伏解决方案。全球能源转型发展加速,光伏和储能在新型电格普光能高效组件2024济南光伏展2024-03-02爱旭ABC新品闪耀第十九届国际太阳能利用大会2月29日,“2024第十九届中国(济南)国际太阳能利用大会暨第三届中国(山东)新能源与储能应用博览会”于山东国际会展中心开幕。作为亚太地区最具有影响力的分布式能源全产业链行业盛会,本届展会以“金色阳光,清洁能源,双碳引领,携储发展”为主题,吸引了众多头部企业参与。爱旭携最新ABC重磅产品亮相爱旭股份ABC双玻组件2024济南光伏展2024-03-01智创未来!迈贝特蓄力闪耀济南太阳能大会 斩获光伏大奖2月29日,第十八届济南太阳能大会拉开了序幕,迈贝特携带创新、稳固、高效的全场景光伏系统参展,凭借自身突出的光伏技术获得了展会两项大奖。此外,迈贝特还分享了海上光伏研究最新成果,与同行探讨相关技术点,铺垫光伏未来发展的新道路。探索·蓝海领域开展当天,迈贝特展位ET03热闹非凡,水上光伏迈贝特光伏支架2024济南光伏展2024-03-01北极星太阳能光伏网发布一周要闻回顾(2024年2月26日-3月1日)3月1日,北极星太阳能光伏网发布一周要闻回顾(2024年2月26日-3月1日)。政策篇重磅!2023年各省光伏装机数据出炉2月28日,国家能源局发布2023年光伏发电建设运行情况,2023年新增并网容量21630万千瓦,其中集中式光伏电站12001.4万千瓦,分布式光伏9628.6万千瓦;而分布式光伏中户用光伏装机达到4348.北极星太阳能光伏网一周要闻光伏热点2024-03-01广西浦北县:因地制宜加快推广太阳能等可再生能源利用2月29日,浦北县公共机构节能工作领导小组办公室关于印发《2024年浦北县公共机构能源资源节约和生态环境保护工作安排》的通知,通知指出,因地制宜加快推广太阳能等可再生能源利用,发展公共机构分布式太阳能光伏项目建设,鼓励“自发自用、余电上网”,扩大“绿电”利用规模。推进终端用能电气化,促太阳能光伏发电广西光伏市场2024-03-01N型硅片价格缓跌 需求复苏组件酝酿涨势(2024.3.7)硅料价格三月由于硅料需求端连续四个月攀升的稼动水平和用料需求的积极影响,虽然硅料价格未能实现继续上涨的趋势,但是整体价格区间得以维持平稳。近期市场特点表现在包括需求方面对于价格相对更低的、之前较难被N型拉晶生产接受的品种物料由于其价格吸引力和品质略有进步,正在被拉晶环节越来越多的光伏产业链光伏市场光伏价格2024-03-07通威、晶科、晶澳预中标长安沅江南大膳镇270MW渔光互补项目组件采购订单3月2日,长安沅江南大膳镇270MW渔光互补光伏项目光伏组件设备采购中标候选人公布,中标候选人第一名通威,投标报价29084.154300万元,单价0.826元/W;中标候选人第二名晶科能源,投标报价29568万元,单价0.84元/W;中标候选人第三名晶澳科技,投标报价31027.0752万元,单价0.881元/W。招标公告显示,本光伏组件光伏招标双杰电气2024-03-04一道新能中标贵州望谟县大观拉洋一期农业光伏项目组件采购订单3月1日,望谟县大观拉洋一期农业光伏电站发电项目光伏组件设备采购中标公布,中标企业一道新能,中标价格114583638.40元,单价0.857元/W。招标公告显示,望谟大观拉洋10万千瓦农业光伏发电项目总承包工程拟在贵州省黔西南州望谟县大观镇境内建设,项目装机规模100MW(交流侧)。太阳能光伏发电系统通过光伏组件光伏招标广东能源集团2024-03-01爱旭10GW ABC电池及组件项目在山东济南开工春风送暖,征启新程,齐鲁大地涌动着蓬勃活力,2月26日,爱旭济南一期10GWABC高效晶硅太阳能电池组件项目在山东济南新旧动能转换起步区正式开工,山东省委书记林武,省委副书记、省长周乃翔,济南市委书记刘强,爱旭股份董事长陈刚,微电网产品副总经理韩蓄等领导出席开工仪式,共同见证爱旭ABC战略版爱旭股份ABC电池光伏项目开工2024-03-01涉及光伏以及组件铝边框制造项目!金开新能牵手山东创新集团2月29日,金开新能发布全资子公司签署战略合作框架协议的公告,公告显示,全资子公司金开新能科技有限公司与山东创新集团有限公司签署《战略合作框架协议》。本次双方合作内容主要包括基于双方各自资源和领域,在全国及海外区域,以源网荷储为重要合作方式,在陆上光伏/风电、储能、配电网、氢能投资等金开新能光伏边框光伏制造业2024-03-01闪耀泉城 | 正泰新能携ASTRO N系列组件亮相济南太阳能展2月29日,由国家发改委、国家建设部等部委联合发起主办的全国性行业盛会——2024第十九届中国(济南)国际太阳能利用大会暨第三届中国(山东)新能源与储能应用博览会(简称“济南太阳能展”)在山东国际会展中心揭开序幕。正泰新能携高效ASTRON系列组件闪耀亮相,并与多家合作方现场签订战略合作协议。期正泰新能光伏组件2024济南光伏展2024-02-29隆基Hi-MO X6双玻耐湿热新品发布 BC技术提升组件可靠性2月29日,正在进行的2024第十九届中国(济南)国际太阳能利用大会暨第三届中国(山东)新能源与储能应用博览会上,隆基正式发布首款基于HPBC技术的双玻组件——Hi-MOX6双玻耐湿热光伏组件。该组件主要应用于高温高湿环境下的光伏应用场景,是水泥屋顶、光伏车棚、阳光房等分布式屋顶的更优选择。至此,隆基BC技术2024济南光伏展2024-02-2916家入围!山东泰安岱岳区分布式光伏项目组件、逆变器采购中标结果公布2月27日,山东省泰安市岱岳区分布式光伏规模化开发项目2024年度光伏组件、逆变器供应商框架协议采购项目中标结果公示。P型高效单晶硅光伏组件入围单位为通威太阳能(合肥)有限公司、山东力诺光伏高科技有限公司、天合光能股份有限公司、东方日升新能源股份有限公司、晶科能源股份有限公司、常熟阿特斯阳光伏组件光伏逆变器光伏招标2024-02-28国际进程 | 春日逐光 一道新能携DAON矩形组件、轻质组件闪耀日本国际智能能源周当地时间2月28日,2024日本国际智能能源周在东京有明国际会展中心隆重开幕,一道新能携DAON矩形组件、轻质叠瓦组件、轻质半片组件等重磅产品亮相。日本国际智能能源周是日本乃至亚洲区域规模及影响力最大的国际性可再生能源行业展会之一,本次展会吸引了全球能源行业的制造商、贸易商、技术人员等众多一道新能矩形组件叠瓦组件2024-02-28王勃华:光伏行业面临严峻的供需形势2月28日,由中国光伏行业协会主办的“光伏行业2023年发展回顾与2024年形势展望研讨会”在北京举办。会上,中国光伏行业协会名誉理事长王勃华表示,光伏行业面临严峻的供需形势,由于此前大幅扩产,伴随产能大幅提升与供应量增加,部分企业出现恐慌性降价。行业洗牌和分化已经开始,优胜劣汰正加速进行王勃华组件产能2024光伏行业年度大会2024-02-28工信部:2023年硅料产量超143万吨 电池产量超545GW 组件产量超499GW2023年,我国光伏产业技术加快迭代升级,行业应用加快融合创新,产业规模实现进一步增长。根据光伏行业规范公告企业信息和行业协会测算,全国多晶硅、硅片、电池、组件产量再创新高,行业总产值超过1.75万亿元。多晶硅环节,1—12月,全国产量超过143万吨,同比增长66.9%。硅片环节,1—12月,全国产量硅料产量硅片产量电池产量2024-02-28山东淄博市淄川区2024年第二次光伏平价上网项目名单公示根据山东省能源局《关于推进风电、光伏发电无补贴平价上网项目建设的通知》(鲁发改能源〔2019〕367号)要求,国网山东省电力公司淄博供电公司对符合接入条件的分布式太阳能光伏项目出具了同意接入淄川地区电网的消纳意见。经我局对企业的申报材料进行了审核确定,现予以公示。公示时间为2024年3月7日至光伏平价上网分布式光伏山东光伏市场2024-03-07供应阶段性过剩 硅片价格连续下滑(2024.3.7)3月7日,硅业分会发布本周硅片价格。本周硅片价格连续下滑,其中M10单晶硅片(182mm/150μm)成交均价维持在2.05元/片,周环比持平;N型单晶硅片(182mm/130μm)成交均价降至1.95元/片,周环比下跌1.52%;G12单晶硅片(210mm/150μm)成交均价降至2.80元/片,周环比下跌3.11%。本轮价格下跌的主要原因硅片价格光伏产业链光伏市场2024-03-07N型硅片价格缓跌 需求复苏组件酝酿涨势(2024.3.7)硅料价格三月由于硅料需求端连续四个月攀升的稼动水平和用料需求的积极影响,虽然硅料价格未能实现继续上涨的趋势,但是整体价格区间得以维持平稳。近期市场特点表现在包括需求方面对于价格相对更低的、之前较难被N型拉晶生产接受的品种物料由于其价格吸引力和品质略有进步,正在被拉晶环节越来越多的光伏产业链光伏市场光伏价格2024-03-07江苏:2030年产品碳足迹管理标准体系基本完善 光伏等碳足迹核算广泛推行3月4日,江苏省发展改革委等部门关于印发江苏省产品碳足迹管理体系建设实施意见的通知,通知指出,到2025年,出台若干重点产品碳足迹核算规则和标准,力争完成400个产品碳足迹核算工作,电池、光伏、钢铁等重点行业碳足迹背景数据库初步搭建,省级产品碳足迹公共服务平台启动运行,产品碳足迹标识工作光伏发电碳足迹江苏光伏市场2024-03-07南非:2023年第四季度新增光伏装机量605MW在2023年10-12月,南非国家能源监管机构(NERSA)新注册了124个新发电项目,共计605MW。其中,太阳能光伏项目占122个,总装机容量为604MW。其余2个为带有电池储能系统(BESS)的太阳能光伏发电项目,合计容量为1MW,NERSA将行业对BESS的兴趣低下归因于该技术在该国电力供应行业尚未成熟且成本高昂。在上述6光伏装机量储能南非光伏市场2024-03-07江苏:到2025年电池、光伏等重点行业碳足迹背景数据库初步搭建北极星储能网获悉,3月4日,江苏省发展改革委等部门发布关于印发江苏省产品碳足迹管理体系建设实施意见的通知。意见提出,到2025年,出台若干重点产品碳足迹核算规则和标准,力争完成400个产品碳足迹核算工作,电池、光伏、钢铁等重点行业碳足迹背景数据库初步搭建,省级产品碳足迹公共服务平台启动运储能电池锂电池碳足迹2024-03-07绿能集团沧源佤山机场光伏项目开工从云南省绿色能源产业集团有限公司官微获悉,3月1日,由绿能集团所属沧源云能投绿色能源开发有限公司作为实施主体的沧源佤山机场光伏项目开工。据悉,本项目是绿能集团与机场集团第一批合作的首个正式动工的项目,共三个项目分阶段建设,总投资约2.80亿元,安装容量67.14MWp,项目建成后,每年可为电网云投集团光伏项目开工光伏项目2024-03-07开展光伏融资租赁业务!固德威为子公司提供担保3月7日,固德威发布公告称,为促进分布式光伏业务发展,公司下属子公司鑫迈德拟与金融机构合作开展融资租赁业务。该业务中金融机构向鑫迈德选择的供应商购买分布式光伏发电设备,鑫迈德承租该分布式光伏发电设备并向金融机构支付租金,金融机构与鑫迈德开展融资租赁业务,由固德威控股子公司昱德新能源固德威分布式光伏光伏电站开发2024-03-07综合地价补偿4.9928万元/亩!信义和县102MWP渔光互补光伏发电项目用地获批北极星太阳能光伏网获悉,3月6日,安徽省马鞍山市和县人民政府发布信义和县102MWP渔光互补光伏发电项目的征地公告,决定征收和县香泉镇张家集社区街西组范围内集体土地共0.3038公顷用于信义和县102MWP渔光互补光伏发电项目建设。公告指出,本次征收土地涉征和县香泉镇张家集社区街西组范围内集体农用地渔光互补光伏项目用地光伏用地补偿2024-03-07三一硅能&华能新能源:重点推进光伏发电项目投资建设及运营3月5日,中国华能新能源股份有限公司与三一硅能在长沙签署战略合作框架协议。根据协议,双方将本着平等互利、合作共赢的原则,深化在新能源领域全面战略合作伙伴关系,重点推进光伏发电项目投资建设及运营,实现资源共享、优势互补。三一硅能华能光伏电站开发2024-03-07本周光伏供应链价格(2024.3.6)3月6日,InfoLinkConsulting公布本周光伏产业链价格。价格说明InfoLink公示价格时间区间主要为前周周四至本周周三正在执行和新签订的合约价格范围。现货价格主要参考超过100家厂商之资讯。主要取市场上最常成交的「众数」资料作为公示价格(并非加权平均值)、根据市场实际情况酌情调整。多晶硅美元价光伏价格光伏市场光伏产业链2024-03-07

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基于模型的动态测试工具TPT - 北汇信息:汽车电子、新能源测试,信息化方案提供商


基于模型的动态测试工具TPT - 北汇信息:汽车电子、新能源测试,信息化方案提供商

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所在位置:研发工具 > 基于模型的动态测试工具TPT


TPT特性PikeTec公司是全球知名的基于模型的嵌入式系统测试工具TPT的软件供应商,总部位于德国柏林,其创始人均在戴姆勒公司拥有十多年的软件测试经验。TPT作为针对嵌入式系统的基于模型的动态测试工具,支持众多业内主流的工具平台和测试环境,可应用于整个嵌入式软件开发周期,实现各种异构环境下的自动化测试。无论是在测试建模,测试环境还是测试评估,测试报告方面,都占据强大优势。 北汇信息作为PikeTec的中国合作伙伴,将帮助中国客户借助TPT提升嵌入式控制系统的开发效率。                                                       TPT自动化测试过程1、测试用例建模TPT是针对嵌入式系统开发的测试验证工具,图形化建立测试用例的方式易于阅读维护,针对MATLAB/Simulink/Stateflow、TargetLink及ASCET模型支持自动生成测试用例。1)手动搭建测试用例列表型测试用例:并行结构、条件语句、循环语句、Excel导入、信号预览等。适合于复杂模型的图形化状态机型测试用例                          列表型测试用例                                             状态机型测试用例2)自动生成测试用例独立测试平台Dashboard:对被测系统创建用户界面,以执行手动测试和观测系统,同时记录交互内容,自动生成测试用例。TASMO工具箱:基于CC/DC原则自动搜索Simulink/Stateflow和TargetLink模型进行结构分析,生成最少的测试用例,实现最全面的结构覆盖。基于等价类自动生成测试用例:将输入信号分成若干等价区间,并在各等价区间随机取值,自动生成测试用例,遍历测试场景。基于变种自动生成测试用例:用户指定或自动选择状态机模型中states、transitions和path组合生成测试用例,自动覆盖所有测试场景,极大的提高测试建模效率。 基于数值范围自动生成测试用例:将所有输出信号取值排列批量生成测试用例,支持自定义信号最值及步长,TPT专门设计的默认代表值模式适用于边界值测试。外部测试数据导入生成测试用例:支持多个测量文件同时导入、背靠背测试与回归测试。                            Dashboard测试界面                                          TASMO工具箱2、测试评估与报告生成支持使用GUI评估函数自动评估测试用例,如Trigger Rule,、Min/Max、 Signal Comparison、Script、Condition Tree、Sequence check、Equivalence classes check。Signal Viewer:观测信号进行手动评估,支持导入/导出测量文件、同步采样信号与测试信号时间,同时观测多个测试用例等。支持背靠背测试、回归测试、模型内部信号观测、容差设置。自动生成高度可配置测试报告:Contents、Figures、Paragraph、Signal Table、Section等。                               Signal Viewer评估界面                       定制化测试报告3、测试环境TPT支持汽车电子主流的工具链来覆盖产品开发的整个V模式(MiL、SiL、PiL、HiL、ViL)下所有的测试阶段,并实现测试用例的复用,无需更换测试工具。强大的Fusion平台使用户可以轻松创建包含不同组件的仿真环境。TPT在不同测试阶段所支持的工具链:                                                   TPT支持的主流开发工具1)Model-in-the-Loop and Software-in-the-Loop (MiL-SiL) 模型在环及软件在环Simulink/TargetLink/ASCET/AUTOSAR Model 支持Simulink/TargetLink/ASCET/AUTOSAR模型的MiL、SiL与背靠背测试。支持从Simulink/TargetLink/ASCET/AUTOSAR模型中自动读取所有的接口信息,支持手动修改及导入模型内部接口信号,确保模型搭建的便捷与准确,为开发过程的测试用例复用提供保证。自动生成测试框架,包含一个完整的输入输出定义模型以及特殊的TPT执行引擎。测试模型框架形成闭环测试,以准确评估测试用例执行结果的正确性。支持开环和闭环测试(支持DYNA4/CarMaker/Carsim等)。                                                        Simulink模型测试                                                        TPT集成ASCET执行测试2)Processor-in-the-Loop (PiL) 处理器在环TPT支持集成调试器,在实际目标硬件上进行测试。集成PLS-UDE:AURIX、Tricore、ARM Cortex etc.集成Lauterbach TRACE 32:ARM、Power Architecture etc. 3)Hardware-in-the-loop(HiL)硬件在环测试支持XiL-API接口与HiL设备进行集成:VT System/ dSPACE HiL/ Veristand/ ETAS LCO/ Concurrent iHawk/ Speedgoat等.发送测试用例到 HiL 执行,接收测试数据进行评估.支持实时测试、故障注入 (FIU).                                 TPT集成VT System执行Hil测试4)Vehicle-in-the-Loop (ViL) 实车在环测试      TPT支持与CANape/INCA/VN1640集成进行ViL测试。Autotester为TPT的自动化ViL测试工具,通过GUI界面触发在TPT中编写好的测试用例,同时告知驾驶员进行动作触发,TPT通过VN1640采集报文并进行自动化判断评估。为没有驾驶经验的测试人员提供便捷驱动命令自动进行同一测试用例的多次执行图像显示及语音提示测试用例执行过程同时观察多个测试步骤及测试用例执行状态自动评估并生成测试报告                                 AutoTester 测试界面4、测试需求跟踪支持与IBM Rational DOORS/Polarion/PTC等工具集成,实现测试需求导入/导出跟踪需求变更、冲突分析与需求管理工具同步测试用例将测试用例-测试需求-评估链接进行测试自动生成需求覆盖分析报告                                                     测试需求跟踪界面5、资质认证TPT支持ISO26262标准要求产品开发的所有测试活动。根据ISO26262的要求,当使用软件工具进行安全相关的开发活动时,需要对使用的软件工具进行资质审核。目前,TPT通过了SGS-TÜV Saar的第三方认证,可以满足ISO26262 ASIL-A到ASIL-D对软件的测试要求。TPT提供Qualification Package,以最佳和最有效的方式实现项目的功能安全的认证。TPT主要客户国内客户















版权 © 2022 上海北汇信息科技有限公司 沪ICP备14018904号-1












TPT 购买咨询

钛酸异丙酯(Titanium(IV) isopropoxide)

CAS: 546-68-9

化学式: C12H28O4Ti

主页 产品有机原料有机金属类化合物 TPT



- 外观:无色透明液体

- 分子式:C9H20O4Ti

- 分子量:284.19克/摩尔

- 熔点:-9℃

- 沸点:129℃

- 密度:1.136 g/cm^3

- 可溶性:可溶于有机溶剂,如醇和酮,不溶于水


- 钛酸异丙酯是一种重要的有机合成试剂,可用于有机化学中的酯交换、酯化、酯加成等反应。

- 它也可以用作某些颜料、涂料和树脂的催化剂,用于改善其耐候性和硬度。


- 钛酸异丙酯的制备通常通过将异丙醇与氯化钛反应而得到。

- 具体的制法可以是将氯化钛与异丙醇在惰性气体存在下反应,生成钛酸异丙酯和氯化氢。


- 钛酸异丙酯具有刺激性和腐蚀性,接触皮肤和眼睛时应避免。

- 在使用钛酸异丙酯时,应避免接触明火和高温条件,因为它可燃。

- 在处理钛酸异丙酯时,应佩戴适当的防护手套、眼镜和防护服,确保通风良好的工作环境。

- 如果不慎吸入或摄入钛酸异丙酯,应立即就医。最后更新:2023-12-21 00:21:33

中文名 钛酸异丙酯英文名 Titanium(IV) isopropoxide别名 钛酸异丙酯四异丙醇钛钛酸四异丙酯四异丙氧基钛原钛酸四异丙酯四异丙基钛酸酯钛酸(四)异丙酯四异丙醇钛(IV)钛酸四异丙酯(IV)钛酸四异丙酯 危险品四异丙氧钛(IV),钛酸异丙酯英文别名 TPTIsopropyltitanateISOPROPYL TITANATETITANIUM ISOPROPOXIDETitanium isopropoxideISOPROPYL TITANATE(IV)TITANIUM ISO-PROPYLATETetraisopropyl titanateTitanium(IV) i-propoxideTitanium(IV) isopropoxideTITANIUM (IV) I-PROPOXIDETITANIUM(IV) ISOPROPOXIDETitanium tetraisopropoxideTetraisopropoxytitanium(IV)tetraisopropyl orthotitanateTITANIUM(IV) TETRAISOPROPOXIDETITANIUM (IV) TETRA-I-PROPOXIDEtitanium(4+) tetrapropan-2-olateCAS 546-68-9EINECS 208-909-6化学式 C12H28O4Ti分子量 284.22InChI InChI=1/4C3H8O.Ti/c4*1-3(2)4;/h4*3-4H,1-2H3InChIKey VXUYXOFXAQZZMF-UHFFFAOYSA-N密度 0.96g/mLat 20°C(lit.)熔点 14-17°C(lit.)沸点 232°C(lit.)闪点 72°F水溶性 HYDROLYSIS蒸汽压 60.2hPa at 25℃溶解度 溶于无水乙醇、乙醚、苯和氯仿。 折射率 n20/D 1.464(lit.)存储条件 Flammables area稳定性 稳定,但在水分存在下分解。与水溶液、强酸、强氧化剂不相容。易燃。敏感性 7: reacts slowly with moisture/water外观 固体比重 0.955颜色 Colorless to pale yellowMerck 14,9480BRN 3679474物化性质 浅黄色液体,在潮湿空气中发烟。 溶于多种有机溶剂。危险品标志 Xi - 刺激性物品

F - 易燃物品

风险术语 R10 - 易燃。

R36 - 刺激眼睛。

R36/37/38 - 刺激眼睛、呼吸系统和皮肤。

R11 - 高度易燃。

R67 - 蒸汽可能引起困倦和眩晕。

安全术语 S16 - 远离火源。

S26 - 不慎与眼睛接触后,请立即用大量清水冲洗并征求医生意见。

S36/37/39 - 穿戴适当的防护服、手套和护目镜或面具。

S7/9 -

危险品运输编号 UN 2413 3/PG 3WGK Germany 2RTECS NT8060000FLUKA BRAND F CODES 21TSCA Yes海关编号 29051900Hazard Class 3Packing Group III上游原料 (S)-6-氨基-2-((叔丁氧基羰基)氨基)己酸叔丁酯盐酸盐 三异丙醇甲基钛 异丙醇钠 钛 下游产品 三苯氧基苯甲醛 2-甲基-2-丙烯酸-2,3-二羟基丙酯 硅酸异丙酯 N-(叔丁氧基羰基)甘氨酸异丙酯

TPT - 性质可信数据无色至淡黄色透明液体。在潮湿的空气中发烟。遇水迅速水解,溶于醇、醚、酮、苯等多数有机溶剂。遇高热、明火或与氧化剂接触,有引起燃烧的危险。遇水或水蒸气反应放出有毒的或易燃的气体。若遇高热,容器内压增大,有开裂和爆炸的危险。

最后更新:2024-01-02 23:10:35TPT - 制发可信数据四氯化钛、异丙醇和液氨以甲苯为溶剂加热溶解进行酯化反应。反应产物经吸滤除去副产物氯化铵,溏液经蒸馏即得成品。

最后更新:2022-01-01 10:06:30TPT - 用途可信数据酯化反应的催化剂,用于丙烯酸等酯类的转酯基反应以及环氧树脂、酚醛塑料、硅树脂、聚丁二烯、PP、PE的聚合等反应中。也可用作制药工业的原料及制取金属与橡胶,金属与塑料的黏合剂等。还可作为表面改性剂、胶黏促进剂以及石蜡和油类添加剂。

最后更新:2022-01-01 10:06:31TPT - 安全性可信数据大鼠经口LD50: 7460mg/kg。对眼睛、皮肤可能引起刺激作用,吸入、摄入或经皮吸收可能对身体有害。该物质对环境有危害,应特别注意对水体的污染。储存于高燥清洁的仓库内。远离火种、热源。仓温不宜超过30℃。防止阳光直射。包装必须密封,切勿受潮。应与氧化剂分开存放。

最后更新:2022-01-01 10:06:31



前衍化学科技(武汉)有限公司主打产品现货供应产品名: 钛酸四异丙酯

询盘CAS: 546-68-9产地: 湖北包装: 1kg,10kg,50kg,500kg,1t规格: 99%价格: 询价库存: 是电话: 13247110337手机: 13247110337电子邮件: 2205437118@qq.comQQ: 2205437118 微信: 13247110337产品描述: 前衍化学是化学品的一站式供采平台,致力于通过数字化+专业服务让化学品交易更高效。前衍核心团队已有10年以上行业服务经验,平台2019年正式成立以来,已为5万+单 更多 研峰科技主打产品产品名: 四异丙醇钛

询盘CAS: 546-68-9产地: 中国规格: 25g电话: 18519017630手机: 18519017630电子邮件: biz9@infsci.comQQ: 3007471197 产品目录: 点此进入 上海麦克林生化科技股份有限公司主打产品提供多种规格产品名: 钛酸异丙酯

询盘CAS: 546-68-9产地: 上海包装: 5L电话: 13918391375/17821173903手机: 13918391375/17821173903电子邮件: wangrui@macklin.cnQQ: 2853951919 微信: 13918391375/17821173903产品描述: Package:5L Purity:97.00% 山东西亚化学有限公司现货供应产品名: 钛酸异丙酯


询盘CAS: 546-68-9产地: 山东包装: 500ml,100ml,25ml,500ml,5ml规格: ≥99.0%|≥99.9% metals basis|≥99.9% metals basis|≥99.9% metals basis|≥99.9% metals basis价格: 216.00,777.00,354.00,2804.00,85.00库存: 现货电话: 400-990-3999手机: 13395399280电子邮件: 861669111@qq.comQQ: 1903368307 微信: 13355009207 前衍化学科技(武汉)有限公司现货供应产品名: 钛酸四异丙酯


询盘CAS: 546-68-9产地: 湖北武汉包装: 500g, 1kg, 10kg, 100kg价格: 电联、邮件库存: 现货供应手机: 13247110337电子邮件: 2205437118@qq.comQQ: 2205437118 产品描述: 前衍化学是化学品的一站式供采平台,致力于通过数字化+专业服务让化学品交易更高效。前衍核心团队已有10年以上行业服务经验,平台2019年正式成立以来,已为5万+单 更多产品目录: 点此进入 合肥天健化工有限公司产品名: 钛酸异丙酯

询盘CAS: 546-68-9产地: 安徽电话: 0086-551-65418679手机: 15856988503电子邮件:      info@tnjchem.comQQ: 2881500842 微信: 0086 189 4982 3763产品目录: 点此进入 浙江杭宇医药科技有限公司产品名: 钛酸异丙酯

询盘CAS: 546-68-9产地: 浙江电话: 18134193529手机: 18134193529电子邮件: 18134193529@163.com微信: 18134193529 河北贞田食品添加剂有限公司产品名: 钛酸异丙酯

询盘CAS: 546-68-9产地: 河北电话: 0319-5925599手机: 13373390591电子邮件: 13313091926@163.com微信: 13373390591 南京和润偶联剂有限公司产品名: 正钛酸四异丙酯

询盘CAS: 546-68-9产地: 国产电话: 025-85553590手机: 13382780960电子邮件: 1151544126@QQ.COMQQ: 1151544126 产品描述: 联系人:仇先生13382780960

前衍化学科技(武汉)有限公司主打产品现货供应产品名: 钛酸四异丙酯

询盘CAS: 546-68-9产地: 湖北包装: 1kg,10kg,50kg,500kg,1t规格: 99%价格: 询价库存: 是电话: 13247110337手机: 13247110337电子邮件: 2205437118@qq.comQQ: 2205437118 微信: 13247110337产品描述: 前衍化学是化学品的一站式供采平台,致力于通过数字化+专业服务让化学品交易更高效。前衍核心团队已有10年以上行业服务经验,平台2019年正式成立以来,已为5万+单 更多 研峰科技主打产品产品名: 四异丙醇钛

询盘CAS: 546-68-9产地: 中国规格: 25g电话: 18519017630手机: 18519017630电子邮件: biz9@infsci.comQQ: 3007471197 产品目录: 点此进入 上海麦克林生化科技股份有限公司主打产品提供多种规格产品名: 钛酸异丙酯

询盘CAS: 546-68-9产地: 上海包装: 5L电话: 13918391375/17821173903手机: 13918391375/17821173903电子邮件: wangrui@macklin.cnQQ: 2853951919 微信: 13918391375/17821173903产品描述: Package:5L Purity:97.00% 山东西亚化学有限公司现货供应产品名: 钛酸异丙酯


询盘CAS: 546-68-9产地: 山东包装: 500ml,100ml,25ml,500ml,5ml规格: ≥99.0%|≥99.9% metals basis|≥99.9% metals basis|≥99.9% metals basis|≥99.9% metals basis价格: 216.00,777.00,354.00,2804.00,85.00库存: 现货电话: 400-990-3999手机: 13395399280电子邮件: 861669111@qq.comQQ: 1903368307 微信: 13355009207 前衍化学科技(武汉)有限公司现货供应产品名: 钛酸四异丙酯


询盘CAS: 546-68-9产地: 湖北武汉包装: 500g, 1kg, 10kg, 100kg价格: 电联、邮件库存: 现货供应手机: 13247110337电子邮件: 2205437118@qq.comQQ: 2205437118 产品描述: 前衍化学是化学品的一站式供采平台,致力于通过数字化+专业服务让化学品交易更高效。前衍核心团队已有10年以上行业服务经验,平台2019年正式成立以来,已为5万+单 更多产品目录: 点此进入 合肥天健化工有限公司产品名: 钛酸异丙酯

询盘CAS: 546-68-9产地: 安徽电话: 0086-551-65418679手机: 15856988503电子邮件:      info@tnjchem.comQQ: 2881500842 微信: 0086 189 4982 3763产品目录: 点此进入 浙江杭宇医药科技有限公司产品名: 钛酸异丙酯

询盘CAS: 546-68-9产地: 浙江电话: 18134193529手机: 18134193529电子邮件: 18134193529@163.com微信: 18134193529 河北贞田食品添加剂有限公司产品名: 钛酸异丙酯

询盘CAS: 546-68-9产地: 河北电话: 0319-5925599手机: 13373390591电子邮件: 13313091926@163.com微信: 13373390591 南京和润偶联剂有限公司产品名: 正钛酸四异丙酯

询盘CAS: 546-68-9产地: 国产电话: 025-85553590手机: 13382780960电子邮件: 1151544126@QQ.COMQQ: 1151544126 产品描述: 联系人:仇先生13382780960


甲苯 异丙醇 四氯化钛 (S)-6-氨基-2-((叔丁氧基羰基)氨基)己酸叔丁酯盐酸盐 异丙醇钠 钛














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TPT (formerly Teachers Pay Teachers) exists to empower teachers to teach at their best. We’re the go-to platform for supporting educators with the resources they need to teach successfully in an ever-changing education landscape. Today, educators turn to TPT to find the world's largest catalog of educator-created learning content and tools for interactive digital instruction. Districts and schools can also support teachers by opting for a TPT School Access subscription, which includes Easel by TPT. More than 7 million educators — including 85% of PreK-12 U.S. teachers — use TPT to save time, engage students, and learn from each other.

TpT was founded in 2006 by Paul Edelman. After spending years as an educator in the New York City public schools system, Paul decided to solve a real problem he struggled with every day – finding and sharing educational content with colleagues. What began as a humble exchange for teachers looking to share lesson plans has since exploded into an education powerhouse. If you’ve never heard of TpT and want to learn more, just ask a teacher about us.

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Teacher Synergy Inc.

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2.5 • 444 Ratings


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The TPT iOS App is the best way to access all that TPT has to offer on the go, allowing you to find resources when YOU need them. In addition, the app also includes a Freebie of the Day, a Daily Dose of Inspiration, Trending Search Terms, and Teaching Ideas from other teachers around the world. With over 2.4 million resources, including lesson plans, activities, workbooks, classroom decorations, teacher organization materials, and more, we’ve got something in every subject, for every PreK-12 teacher. Find yours today!

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Feb 26, 2024

Version 2.19.6

We've made some changes to the TPT app to improve your experience and the app's performance. Please let us know at if you experience any issues.Thank you for your help and for you being a part of the TPT community!

Ratings and Reviews

2.5 out of 5

444 Ratings

444 Ratings




Has potential, needs work.

This app has so much potential to be great, but it’s really not incredibly useful as it is. My main wishes for improvement are these: 1. Clear and easy access to the back end of your own product - currently you can only view it as a buyer would. I’d like to be able to, for example, edit the description from my phone if I see an error.2. Feedback counter reset- currently it does not reset when you view new feedback, so the number is more accurately called “feedback received since installing the app� instead of “new feedback�.3. Share functionality- it needs the ability to provide a shareable link for products. This is a huge deal for marketing. 4. Feedback- currently you cannot leave feedback at all through the app. The more accessible feedback is, the more likely it is to be provided.




Limited Viewing Ability

LOVED this app when I first got it several months ago. I was legit addicted and was always on it. But I’m not sure what happened... anytime I am on the app and I do a search for what I’m looking for it will maybe show me 6-8 items that fit that search and that’s it- they just keep repeating in the same order over and over when you scroll. But when I search on the computer for the same thing... there are thousands of hits. I have really stopped using the app because I literally can’t find what I need. PLEASE change it back so that I can use the, much more convenient, app again.




Love this app

This app has provided many resources for my coursework especially out in the field as I am a grad sped education major at Xavier University. These resources are often free or I pay a small fee of 5 dollars or less for materials that have already been created for me which is obviously extremely helpful. However, being “a broke college student� I often find materials that I wish were priced lower or could be free such as calendars and other editable materials. I do understand that this is a side business for some teachers but maybe adding a category for students in college or a special discount for students in college is needed. Overall I have found this app and website very helpful and I continue to use it.

App Privacy

The developer, Teacher Synergy Inc., indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of data as described below. For more information, see the developer’s privacy policy.

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Teachers Pay Teachers: Everything You Need To Know—Get Started Harnessing The Value Of Top Quality Educational Resources › ELearn Magazine

Teachers Pay Teachers: Everything You Need To Know—Get Started Harnessing The Value Of Top Quality Educational Resources › ELearn Magazine

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Teachers Pay Teachers: Everything You Need To Know—Get Started Harnessing the Value of Top Quality Educational Resources


Cristian T. Duque

March 9, 2023

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Teachers looking for an opportunity to showcase fantastic learning resources. Curators looking to develop the perfect, curriculum-aligned collection. Professionals who just want a quality piece of content on the go. All of these groups can benefit from Teachers Pay Teachers (TpT), one of today’s most popular marketplaces for digital educational content.

Paul Edelmand founded TpT in 2006. A New York City Public School teacher at the time, Paul’s goal was to create a place for educators to collaborate on quality educational resources. According to TpT’s own website, more than 7 million active users—85% of them U.S. “Pre-K-to-12” teachers—and an estimated near one million sellers, access a variety of formats. These formats include interactive, curriculum and standards-aligned, and culturally sensitive content. Recently a new offering, Easel, allows teachers to deliver the marketplace content directly to their students through a dedicated, LMS-like platform. TpT states that it complies with applicable requirements from student and user privacy regulations including COPPA and FERPA.

In March 2, 2023, IXL Learning, owner of learning brands including Rosetta Stone, and, announced the acquisition of TpT for an undisclosed amount. CEO Joe Holland, who would perform various senior leadership positions at the company since 2014, announced to be stepping down.

So, how does TpT work, and how can you make it work for you? We’re counting on the information, consideration and proven practices in this article to inspire you and give you a clear path of success with TpT. Read on!

Get started in Teachers Pay Teachers by exploring the massive directory of content and bundles. Use categories, filters and ratings to find the best content for your needs

TPT or Teachers Pay Teachers content catalog

Use categories, filters and ratings to find the best content for your needs. On the homepage, the “Browse Catalog” option launches a comprehensive menu of categories, including grade, subject, price and format. Click on your must-have content attribute to launch the catalog.

Surprisingly, there’s no way to simply access a list of top-rated content. However, the catalog will likely appear sorted by rating. From the catalog you can apply a mix of filters, sorting criteria and views, as well as the search bar.

eLearn Pro Tip: Looking for content or inspiration themed to an upcoming holiday, or a movie that just premiered—i.e. “Wakanda Curriculum”—in a pinch? Click on the search bar for a list of trending search topics.

TpT is an online marketplace, but you will find a wealth of highly-rated content completely free

Teachers are known for having big hearts, right? For many, TpT is an opportunity to share lessons, activities, plans, worksheets, and even complete courses free of charge. Creators may have needed to produce these materials for their own lessons, or thought it would be good to just make and share without expecting monetary compensation in return. Others, more strategically, offer free previews of their portfolio as a sneak peek to their complete offering. Experienced TpT sellers have put significant time into their “Stores” or profile pages, which users can “follow,” provide ratings, leave reviews, or ask a question. Content often includes the creator’s branding, website, or watermark.

TPT or Teachers Pay Teachers sample content profile page

All content, free and paid for, has its own download page, which includes further details, pics, ratings and reviews. Downloading the content or adding it to a collection or “wishlist” requires an account.

eLearn Pro Tip: Check out free and fully open-source content in our Virtual Learning Online Activities Guide

Signing up for a TpT account is free. You can choose a buyer or seller membership, or both 

TPT or Teachers Pay Teachers signup page

When you sign-up, you can choose a buyer or seller membership, or bot. Signing up only as a buyer is free. All content you check out, paid or free, will appear in your personal purchases section. You can create collections of the content you’ve acquired in this same section. You can share these collections, or make them publicly available. Unfortunately there seems to be no straightforward way to search for user-generated public collections.

Buying content is a matter of clicking the button and checking out using the shopping cart. Before purchasing, pay attention to the licensing restrictions on the item, you may only be getting a single license for your content which forbids you from sharing your access. TpT is integrated with Google Drive, and in some cases your access gets linked to one specific Google account.

eLearn Pro Tip: Take advantage of the TpT credits program for buyers, which gives you a dollar in credits for each dollar spent on an “activated” item to which you provided a rating. The program does not apply for free or inactive content, or content purchased with credits or gift cards.

TpT is a community-driven platform. Resources are created and reviewed by other teachers

TPT or Teachers Pay Teachers community page

TpT appears to downplay the community aspect of its platform, despite the significant weight it may hold. Ratings and user reports are the main ways high-quality content on TpT becomes easy to access, and the method through which poor or non-compliant content gets reported to TpT staff. There has been at least one instance of infringement not being flagged until members denounced it and news coverage followed.

On the upside, the importance of catering towards the community means reputation is a valuable token. Top sellers tend to be highly responsive to questions or content-related issues raised. Refunds are optional—with exceptions valid for up to a year—but it’s a widespread practice to offer a refund with no questions asked.

A TpT-branded online community space is available, but with null activity in the past 6 months.

eLearn Pro Tip: As a seller, consider offering quality free content not only as a showcase of your product, but as a way to maintain your creations as active resources that are shared and discussed by a section of the public. This will also make them a source of feedback and ideas. A teacher customer turned seller claims TpT taught her “more about lesson planning, scaffolding, and teaching than college or mentors ever did.”

TpT is a great resource for finding new ideas and inspiration, as well as to share and sell your own resources

TPT or Teachers Pay Teachers seller upload page

Have you ever thought about joining the educational creative economy? Digitally adept instructional designers, former teachers turned influencers, evangelists or community educators are nowadays the building blocks of thriving new markets and sources of value.

There’s a clear recipe for success in obtaining a positive return in becoming a TpT seller. But beware: if the initial amount of investment and effort before starting to get results, the likely lifestyle, and the overall level of enjoyment of the tasks involved, are all acceptable for you, here is the way you can get started creating content that sells on TpT:

Define your motivations, the “core value” that clearly and easily define your content, and your best related skills. Brainstorm quality content ideas you would be able to deliver. Then there’s no shortcut: go ahead and get it done.

Sign up for a free or premium seller account. Note that unless you have files over 1GB, or until the additional percentage earnings and lower transaction fees will offset the $60 USD annual premium membership fee, the free tier is perfect to get started.

Upload your content with descriptions and screenshots that reflect your product clearly. Take advantage of the many input fields available to ensure your content is highly searchable. Unfortunately TpT only reveals basic user trends or popular searches when using the search features, so there’s limited strategic value from studying this data to determine content needs.

Consider asking the help of a virtual assistant to streamline your day-to-day and focus on your core source of value, 4-Hour Workweek style. With smart planning, TpT can become a steady passive income stream.

Set expectations, sales and revenue goals in advance to review and adjust regularly. Performance evaluation on a monthly basis is recommended. Plan for a period of 3 to 6 months before you start to see a more dependable stream.

Keep on sharpening your skills and streamlining your process. TpT offers free guides on TpT University, and additional paid-for marketing services. The promotion for an upcoming sellers conference taking place in Boston this July is underway.

A small number of TpT’s top sellers make multi-million dollar yearly income figures and a number of other participants live exclusively off of TpT. The majority of the seller demographic are side-gig earners.

eLearn Pro Tip: If you are a U.S. resident keep in mind that, while copyright law allows for the use of protected content for educational purposes, the educational exception does not extend to the sale of said materials. So if your materials contain protected content, you may only be able to make it available for free.

TpT isn’t just for K-12 teachers. It also has resources and features other forms of education for professionals at large

Due to its reach and longevity, TpT isn’t only a top educational marketplace, but an established content market, competing with the likes of Amazon, app stores or Taobao in key categories. In addition to educational resources, you may also find general purpose templates, clipart, fonts and similar, non-specific assets.

For institutions, specialized programs for procurement each way are available. TpT’s School Access subscription offers institution-wide content licensing. For a growing number of social media niche stars, and educational media companies alike, TpT is becoming an intriguing new outlet. A publisher membership has debuted with limited access.

In organizations where CLOs have a seat at the table, learning and teaching activities often extend beyond the training department. Coaching programs, group studies, and the development of the company leader as educator, are steadily stimulating new demand for educational resources online, and that’s reflected in TpT.

eLearn Pro Tip: If you have curriculum-aligned content, take advantage of the Standards Crosswalking feature to add equivalent regional nomenclatures from several compatible Departments of Education in the U.S.

TpT is a large and reputable platform with a growing user base. Most TpT users are in the U.S. (75%), Canada (4.5%), the Philippines (4.2%) and India (3.8%)

According to data from Semrush —queried at publication—, TpT had an estimated traffic of 8.3 million unique users in January 2023, over 5.3 million coming from search engines and 365K from paid ads. TpT has been covered in media including The New York Times and New York Magazine. Educational creators websites and blogs appear to be the most common source of quality backlink traffic.

Initially bootstrapped, firms involved in capitalizing on the platform include EdTech financing specialists Spectrum Equity (involved with and ExamSoft) along with general VCs Tiger Global and True Ventures. The acquisition by IXL Learning alludes to its revenue generation potential, unfortunately the private status of both IXL and TpT, and the lack of public details on the deal, makes a valuation uncertain, if likely in the multi-billion-dollar range.

Percentages on sales are TpT’s main source of revenue, which is varied but not necessarily diversified. Memberships and marketing services complete the set of streams, all ultimately depending on content buyers. This makes brand reputation, customer support and a clear process to address complaints critical for its future prospects. Popularity has remained steady but below all-time highs in 2020. Additional revenue streams such as Easel or the institutional programs have not shared financial or operational performance yet.

2 Responses

Ms. Nonye Akudinobi says:

November 30, 2023 at 10:34 am

Good day sir/madam.

Wondering if TpT can allow a Nigerian version where payment will be in loxal currency. The reason being the difficulty in making payment online from Nigeria?

Cristian T. Duque says:

December 1, 2023 at 3:00 pm

Dear Ms. Nonye,

I believe you can make purchases in TpT using an internationally valid credit card. If your bank is unable to provide you with one, you can try an international payments alternative such as or Payoneer. Hope this helps!

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7 Tips for Opening a Teachers Pay Teachers Store—From a Veteran Seller The best advice I’ve picked up along the way.

By Meghan Mathis

Oct 11, 2018

By now most teachers have heard of Teachers Pay Teachers, the “world’s most popular online marketplace for original educational resources.” Some of us may have even spent way too much money there!

Have you ever wondered what it might be like to open a store and sell your own resources? If it’s something you’ve considered or if you’re just curious about what it’s like, read on! I’ve been in your shoes, wondering if I should open a store and whether or not anyone would want to purchase my resources. I’ve worked hard on my own  TPT store to build a following. And here are the best Teachers Pay Teachers tips I’ve learned along the way.

1. Look before you leap.

Signing up for a store is super simple. You can become a teacher-seller for free. You fill out some information, choose a store name (or just use your own name), and start uploading your resources immediately. If you decide to upgrade to the premium seller account, it will cost you $59.95 annually, but you’ll receive more from each sale along with some other perks.

That being said, take some time to look at the lessons and activities you might offer in your store and then check out the competition already in place on TpT. Do you have great ideas, but there are already dozens of resources just like the ones you would be offering? If so, you might want to explore other areas of focus or develop a different niche. Think your resources are fabulous and are willing to jump into a competitive market? Great!

2. Consider any offline implications.

It might be hard to imagine becoming “famous” from selling teacher lesson plans online, but that is exactly what has happened to many teachers because of TpT and their success on the site and on their blogs. While your first thought might be “uh, sign me up,” make sure that you give some consideration to how online notoriety might play out in your offline life.


While it may be possible for you to remain “anonymous” for a while, if your store does well you may find teachers in your building who discover your resources on TpT. Are you going to be comfortable with them knowing you sell lesson plans online? Will your administrator and district be supportive? Check your contract—some have pretty specific wording about who owns the resources created for use in their district classrooms. (Hint: It’s probably not you!).

This isn’t meant to scare anyone, but it is something to consider. While you may not ever become insta-famous like Brittany Sinitch, the Five Foot One Teacher, who has over 100k Instagram and YouTube followers, you should think about what it might mean for you personally if your principal and teacher friends knew you were selling your resources online.


3. Develop your customer avatar.

Don’t panic if your first response is something like, “Huh? My customer what?” Your avatar has nothing to do with that movie with the big blue people. It’s a business concept about making sure you have a lock on exactly who your products are for. Who is going to be buying the lessons and activities you’re going to sell? If your only answer is, “a teacher,” then take some time to dig deeper.

My customer avatar is Tara. She’s 28. She’s been teaching high school English and reading for about four or five years. She loves teaching but is definitely overwhelmed by all the other expectations that go into being an educator. She jogs daily, loves coffee a bit too much, and adores her dog. She’s married and loves keeping up with the latest ideas in education. She is always willing to try something new in her classroom, especially if she thinks her students will be interested in it. When she visits TpT, she’s looking for an awesome new activity or inspiring new way to start a unit she already teaches. She wants something that looks amazing and not babyish, something that is “print-and-go” ready, and something that will make her students think she rocks.

Too detailed? You have no idea. I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about Tara. I could tell you what brand of mascara she prefers and what novel she just finished reading (The Hate U Give, btw, and she thought it was A-maz-ing!). Why do I know so much about an imaginary person? Because when I create a new product, I’m not just randomly putting some activities together and hoping they’ll sell. I’m making a resource for Tara. And for the hopefully hundreds (or thousands!) of teachers like her. Because online marketing experts know that if you design resources for everyone…you design products that don’t work for anyone. So before you start, think carefully about who is going to be buying your lesson plans. Keep him/her in mind at all times.

4. Think about branding.

Having a good name and logo can really help with branding. Are you going to list products under your name? That’s awesome! It’s a choice many teacher-sellers swear by, because it lets educators buying your products know that you are a real person and can inspire confidence and loyalty.

On the other hand, it also means that anyone searching around on the web can find out you have a TpT store. While this is becoming increasingly common, some store owners aren’t quite ready to let their school districts, colleagues, and students’ parents know about their side-gig. In the end, do what makes you feel comfortable. You can always change it later.

Choosing a cute name for your store? That’s fantastic! Done right, a fun store name can become instantly recognizable to the teachers who buy your lesson plans. But put thought into it. Can you continue to use the name if you switched subjects or grades? Is something similar already being used? Is it too cutesy? You want to be happy with it for a long time.

5. You don’t have to be a tech-whiz, but be prepared to learn.

The team of techies at Teachers Pay Teachers have really made the process of uploading your resources as easy as possible. The system is logical and easy to follow. Between that and their amazing customer and seller support systems, anyone from a first-year teacher to a 25-year veteran can start getting resources into their stores with ease.

There will absolutely be things you’ll need to learn, however, like how to secure your PDF files so buyers can change your resources, how to find royalty free clip art and photos, or how to respond to angry teacher-buyers. The TpT forums are amazingly helpful, with other teacher-sellers coming together to support one another, but be prepared for having to learn some new tricks along the way.

6. Prepare yourself for updating and improving your favorite lessons.

While you may have a flash drive full of awesome ideas, teachers are now coming to Teachers Pay Teachers expecting polished, professional-looking resources. You may have an amazing lesson that you know students love but be prepared to put some additional time and energy into making your plans look like something people would pay money to use in their classrooms.

To give you an idea of how much things have changed, here’s the before and after cover of a resource I uploaded to my store when I joined TpT in 2009. Just a fun, little activity that was great for launching some novel units. This past summer I went through my resources and updated the ones that no longer met the standards teacher-buyers look for when they come to TpT. This one definitely fit the bill. I did a total overhaul on the resource and it took me several days. But the difference is obvious. I didn’t just update the graphics, I looked at the entire activity, added more hands-on pieces, made sure to incorporate background building elements, and made it more user-friendly for teachers and students—everything I want a teacher-buyer to know they’ll get when they purchase one of my resources.


Teachers expect quality graphics and fonts, answer keys, and detailed teacher’s guides. It takes time, but it can be worth it in the long run. Fortunately, it is a great time to be an online curriculum designer! Websites like Pexels and Pixabay offer clip art and stock photos teachers can use for free. Even Teachers Pay Teachers itself has numerous amazing clip art stores run by designers creating images just for educators.

Websites like Canva not only allow you to create professional-looking covers with images, borders, and creative fonts for free, but they also have free graphic design lessons so you can improve your design skills!

7. Get involved with the TpT community.

Maybe it is because teachers are naturally empathetic, nurturing people, but the TpT community is pretty darn great. You won’t find a more supportive, encouraging community of businesspeople than the sellers at Teachers Pay Teachers. Once you’ve joined, start chatting with people in the TpT forums or join a Facebook group or two. Every new seller will find lots of people willing to point them in the right direction.

By and large, Teachers Pay Teachers sellers want to help others succeed. It’s pretty inspiring. Don’t be afraid to reach out to a teacher-seller you respect to ask them a question or two or just to say hi. You’d be surprised by how eager they are to help you out! Hey, email me! If you have questions about starting a store, I’d be happy to help you out!

The truly great thing about Teachers Pay Teachers is that there really is no wrong way to do it. Start a store, put one good resource in it … and then get busy at school and don’t touch it for a year? Fine! Create your store and then immediately begin stocking it with great plans that you stayed up until 3 AM creating? If that’s what you want to do, awesome! But don’t let what other people are doing scare you or intimidate you. Remember, if you’re thinking about starting a store, it’s probably because you know you have some great ideas that other teachers would benefit from. Give it a try.

Do you have any Teachers Pay Teachers tips? Come and share in our WeAreTeachers HELPLINE group on Facebook.

Plus, check out other ways teachers can make extra money.

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Posted By Meghan Mathis

Meghan is an Associate Editor at WeAreTeachers. She spent 18 years teaching English/Language Arts in the public school setting and holds a Master's Degree in Special Education.

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TPT | Test software for embedded software | MiL, SiL, PiL, HiL, driving test

TPT | Test software for embedded software | MiL, SiL, PiL, HiL, driving test



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Supported Test Environments

Simulink/TargetLink TestingASCET Model TestingC/C++ Code TestingAUTOSAR SW Component TestingCo-Simulation with TPT/FUSIONADAS TestingTesting Processor-in-the-Loop (PiL)Testing Hardware-in-the-Loop (HiL)CAN Functional TestingAutomation of Driving Tests

TPT Features

Test ModelingTest Case GenerationTest AssessmentMeasurement Data AssessmentTest ReportingSafety & ISO 26262Code CoverageRequirements CoverageDashboardSignal ViewerCI/CT & Cloud Testing

Use Cases

Simulink/TargetLink TestingASCET Model TestingC/C++ Code TestingAUTOSAR SW Component TestingCo-Simulation with TPT/FUSIONADAS TestingTesting Processor-in-the-Loop (PiL)Testing Hardware-in-the-Loop (HiL)CAN Functional TestingAutomation of Driving TestsMeasurement Data Assessment

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TPT OverviewTPT TrainingTPT VideosUser StoriesTPT CustomizationTPT Licensing

Supported Test Environments

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TPT Features

Test ModelingTest Case GenerationTest AssessmentMeasurement Data AssessmentTest ReportingSafety & ISO 26262Code CoverageRequirements CoverageDashboardSignal ViewerCI/CT & Cloud Testing

Use Cases

Simulink/TargetLink TestingASCET Model TestingC/C++ Code TestingAUTOSAR SW Component TestingCo-Simulation with TPT/FUSIONADAS TestingTesting Processor-in-the-Loop (PiL)Testing Hardware-in-the-Loop (HiL)CAN Functional TestingAutomation of Driving TestsMeasurement Data Assessment

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TPT: Controls testing made easy

With TPT, you can test ECU software and embedded control systems in all development phases such as Model-in-the-loop (MiL testing), Software-in-the-loop (SiL testing), Processor-in-the-loop (PiL testing), Hardware-in-the-loop (HiL testing), ECU testing and vehicle testing. Whether you create a simple module test or a complex system test: TPT provides unique features to create those tests intuitively and flexibly.

Safety standard directives can be satisfied while testing with TPT up to the highest safety level. Relevant standards, such as ISO 26262, are well supported.TPT supports all testing activities from test case design/generation, test execution, test assessment and reporting, as well as test management and requirements traceability.

Watch now: First steps with TPT

Test case design and test case generation

We designed TPT to be the best tool for testing signal-oriented systems. With TPT your test case design is very powerful, easy to handle and easy to maintain even for complex systems with large interfaces.

Test cases in TPT are intuitively modeled with a unique combination of graphical automatons and test steps. This combination gives your tests a clear structure with powerful features to manipulate and observe signals and actions during tests.

Synthesized signals, measurement data and function calls are easily integrated in the test cases. Test cases created with TPT are reactive, thus the tests can react on the system’s behavior during the test run.

More about test modeling

TPT is able to automatically generate test cases in many different ways. Most sophisticated is the test case generation of code coverage tests for Simulink, TargetLink and Stateflow models as well as for C-code

More about test case generation

Test execution from MiL to ECU and vehicle

Designed test cases can run in many different environments for MiL testing, SiL testing, PiL testing, HiL testing, ECU testing and vehicle testing. TPT is able to execute your test cases in many well-known execution environments. If you need a test environment not supported in TPT yet, we will find an individual integration solution for you.

MATLAB/Simulink (by Mathworks) for MiL and SiL testing

TargetLink (by dSPACE) for MiL and SiL testing

GCC, VC, BCC, Eclipse for C-Code SiL testing

ASCET-DEVELOPER (by ETAS) for physical and implementation model testing


Co-simulation testing (built-in feature of TPT)

Silver (by Synopsys) for co-simulation testing

ADTF (by Elektrobit) for ADAS SiL testing

VTD (by Vires) for ADAS SiL testing

TRACE32 (by Lauterbach) for PiL testing

ECU testing

UDE (by PLS) for PiL testing

dSpace VEOS (by dSPACE) for HiL testing

Scalexio (by dSPACE) for HiL testing

iHawk (by Concurrent) for HiL testing

CANoe (by Vector) for SiL and HiL testing

Veristand (by National Instruments) for HiL testing

ASAM XiL HiL systems for HiL testing

CAN and XCP support for vehicle testing

CANape (by Vector) for measurement and calibration for HiL and vehicle testing

INCA (by ETAS) for measurement and calibration for HiL and vehicle testing

AUTOTESTER platform (built-in feature of TPT) for in-vehicle testing

CarMaker (by IPG Automotive) for virtual testing of vehicles

RT-LAB (by OPAL-RT Technologies) for SiL and HiL testing

DiagRA-D (by RA Consulting) to read diagnostic data from ECU 

Many other platforms …

More about supported test environments

Test assessment and reporting

Automated tests require automated assessment of the test results to allow a really efficient workflow. TPT supports you with fully automated assessment features and generation of test reports. TPT supports many powerful features for all kinds of assessments: from very simple to highly complex ones.In all cases you can start by verifying the test results manually using the TPT signal viewer. The signal viewer is a powerful tool that allows you to analyse and compare signals in every detail. This helps to localize problems and anomalies and to formulate reproducible assessment rules.It is very simple to use expected results in the test design or to formulate general assessment rules that can be checked independent of the test cases. In TPT you will find powerful user interfaces for assessment rules and a feature rich editor for a unique scripting language for the test assessment based on Python. Thanks to the auto-completion and the extensive help in TPT, both approaches are easy to manage.Finally, a detailed and configurable test report containing the computed test results and relevant test data is created for your test management.

Assessing test data with the Signal Viewer by PikeTec

Assessing tests in TPT

Requirements tracing

You can import requirements to TPT and link them with test cases in order to monitor the requirements coverage. Using the assessment feature of TPT (assesslets), you can automatically check and document if the test cases fulfilled the requirements or not.

Requirements can be linked to test cases, state variants, and to assessment rules

Tracing requirements in TPT

Dashboard – Interactive testing

The Dashboard by PikeTec is a free configurable tool to create user interfaces in TPT for the system under test. You can work with widgets like sliders, gauges, buttons, and images. The Dashboard can be used both for manual testing and system observation. The interactions with the Dashboard can be recorded and transformed into test cases. The Dashboard is also useful to virtually test control panels.

More about Dashboard

What is Model-in-Loop Testing? Learn more here.

What's new?

Cloud Testing with TPT – Introducing a Case Study with AGSOTEC


Introduction The automotive industry is undergoing a rapid transformation, driven by advancements in vehicle software. As this software continues to evolve, extensive testing becomes crucial

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Automatic Test Case Generation – When Does It Make Sense?


Many automotive clients express a desire for fully automatic test case generation. But why? Their wishes typically encompass: Scalability: With automatic test case generation, the

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Introducing the FEY-Approach


Discover how the Full-Expectation-Yet (FEY) Approach revolutionizes software testing by focusing on outputs and behavior validation. By ensuring the presence of expected values, this approach

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